On 20 December I attempted to grow some hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria using a sample I gathered from the sea near our house. I used the following experiment setup:
- macro nutrient solution as described in HOB Culture Medium Ingredients - #7 by Martin
- 1mL/L Reef Trace micronutrient solution added
- Electrolysis intensity set at 10%
- CO2 sparging setup and experiment profile (sparge CO2 for 10s every hour) as per CO2 Sparging | AMYBO
- temperature set to 30 degrees Celsius
- inoculated with around 0.5ml of the saltwater sample
Here are the results, stopped at around 20 hours:
I increased the temperature to 35C around the 18-hour mark, but that did not have any measurable effect. OD was close enough to zero that it didn’t seem like anything was growing.
On 26 December I gathered another sample, this time from the woods on a hill near our house, and just downstream from a place called Martin’s Pond, which I thought was ideal
Experimental setup:
- same as above, but with temperature set to 20 degrees Celsius
- Electrolysis set to 20%
- inoculated with around 0.5mL of freshwater sample
Here are the results:
This time I ran the experiment for around 45 hours. Again, not much happened I increased the temperature to 25C about halfway through the experiment, but not much changed.
So far I’m assuming that neither of my water samples contained any hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, but maybe someone (@Martin?) can tell me if there are any issues with my experimental setup. Let me know if there’s something I forgot to share.