Follow up on the Pioreactor demonstration on the livestream

:wave: I enjoyed being a guest on the Pioreactor assembly livestream yesterday!

I wanted to share some next steps to get your Pioreactor working.

  • 1. We have some documentation on how to provide more space between the fan and vial holder.
  • 2. We're working on software changes to allow the self-test routine to handle external LEDs. Stay tuned for the next software release!
  • 3. We found a software bug on last night stream, too - a timeout wasn't triggering causing the stirring to go on for too long during the self-test routine. This will be fixed, too.
  • @“CamDavidsonPilon”#p10 Thank you so much for joining us. I can’t recall having had such a good time building something since I got a lego motor as a child…

    Sorry it took ages to approve your discussion. I've still to find the feature that alters mods to approval requirements.

    I'll get cracking with my fan-vial holder spacing now. Thanks again.


    So, I followed Cam’s instructions then another self test - the noise decreased significantly but didn’t quite stop. I then unscrewed a little more and ran the self test again. That time I didn’t even notice that the stirrer was running until I saw the fan move… If anyone’s struggling with this I recorded a video, and can post it if you like…

    @CamDavidsonPilon - is this the Adafruit spectrometer that you showed us? While they are out of stock at Adafruit, the Pi Hut here in the UK seem to have some in stock.

    Hi @Martin, glad to hear it’s working!

    Yup, that's the correct board. We even have a Pioreactor plugin for it: to make software integration simple.