From Pioreactor to FlavorReactor

Over on the Pioreactor forum someone has been working on a larger version for food applications called the FlavorReactor:

Thought I’d mention it here as it looks related to our own efforts.

Sorry, I meant to respond to this yesterday. I started a response on the Pioreactor forum which then launched me into writeup of our own Pioflo Kombucha experiment & setting up to redirect to it. I also started a new thread here for us to discuss Pioflo.

On the FlavorReactor, I get the impression that the main impetus is to add more vial-cap space in order to add more sensors. I was very interested to see their use of i3 InterLink | Atlas Scientific and would definitely be getting one if they were open source, but as they are proprietary it would be difficult to customise them for our own needs. Have you come across any open source Raspberry Pi hats that could act as a sensor interface in a similar manner?

The Atlas Scientific stuff are ubiquitous, but I think they’re very expensive for what they are. Instead of another RPi HAT, I could imagine boards that could be daisy-chained onto the Pioreactor’s StemmaQT / Qwiic connector?

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